101 trucs et astuces pour la photo numérique 9782100743834 |
Michael Freeman |
Dunod |
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03/02/2016 |
20,90 € |
Star Wars - the old republic Tome 2 ; soleils perdus 9782756027159 |
Alexander Freed, George Freeman, Dave Ross, Michael Atiyeh |
Delcourt |
Contrebande |
01/02/2012 |
15,50 € |
HDR ; vers la maîtrise des contrastes extrêmes 9782744095313 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
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13/06/2013 |
14,90 € |
HDR ; vers la maîtrise des contrastes extrêmes 9782744092145 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
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25/09/2008 |
27,50 € |
Digital image editing & special effects 9781781579954 |
Michael Freeman |
Ilex |
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01/04/2013 |
17,50 € |
Mindful design of japan: 40 modern tea-ceremony rooms 9780957471757 |
Michael Freeman |
Thames & Hudson |
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02/10/2015 |
32,00 € |
Michael Freeman's photo school ; landscape 9781908150967 |
Gary Eastwood, Michael Freeman |
Ilex |
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01/05/2013 |
30,00 € |
Black & white photography field guide 9781781579992 |
Michael Freeman |
Ilex |
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08/03/2013 |
14,95 € |
La mallette du photographe ; l'indispensable de l'amateur de photographie 9782744095122 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
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13/12/2012 |
29,90 € |
Le grand livre de la photo numérique (2e édition) 9782100555222 |
Michael Freeman |
Dunod |
Audio-photo-video |
07/10/2011 |
27,00 € |
Le grand livre de la photo numérique (2e édition) 9782100574063 |
Michael Freeman |
Dunod |
Audio-photo-video |
05/10/2011 |
27,00 € |
Saisir la lumiere 9782744095764 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
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26/06/2014 |
29,00 € |
Le portrait 9782744095344 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
Michael Freeman Photo School |
12/09/2013 |
21,00 € |
Le paysage 9782744095351 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
Michael Freeman Photo School |
12/09/2013 |
21,00 € |
Le noir et blanc 9782744095368 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
Michael Freeman Photo School |
12/09/2013 |
21,00 € |
La photo de rue 9782744095375 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
Michael Freeman Photo School |
12/09/2013 |
21,00 € |
La photo selon Freeman ; coffret 9782744094781 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
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06/09/2012 |
62,90 € |
L'art de la narration photographique 9782744095016 |
Michael Freeman |
Pearson |
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13/06/2013 |
29,00 € |
The photographer's vision 9781907579318 |
Michael Freeman |
Ilex |
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07/11/2011 |
38,00 € |
Ancient Angkor 9789749863251 |
Claude Jacques, Michael Freeman |
River Books |
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01/11/2011 |
28,00 € |
The digital slr handbook (3eme ed) 9781907579448 |
Michael Freeman |
Ilex |
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07/11/2011 |
33,00 € |
The low light photography field guide 9781907579790 |
Michael Freeman |
Ilex |
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07/11/2011 |
14,95 € |