Le coeur des mots 9782959490804 |
Marjolaine S |
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31/01/2024 |
29,00 € |
Sonates et partitas - d'apres l'edition des oeuvres pour violon solo de r. schumann. bwv 1005/1006. 9790010265308 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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20/07/1989 |
21,50 € |
Hosianna - komm, susser tod - 4/5. soprano (tenor) or alto (baritone) and piano. 9790011104507 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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24/08/2016 |
7,00 € |
Hosianna - mein glaubiges herze - aus der pfingstkantate bwv 68. 19. bwv 68. alto and piano. alto/co 9790011105207 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1994 |
7,00 € |
Arabesque - op. 24. clarinet and piano. 9790010201009 |
Taneiew A S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1977 |
11,00 € |
Economie-droit pour premere stg. toutes specialites. la pochette eleve 9782843475320 |
Alba M-J. Appert S. |
Genie Des Glaciers |
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16/09/2006 |
12,00 € |
Goldberg variations - bwv 988. guitar. 9790204701018 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1998 |
29,00 € |
Flute partita - bwv 1013. guitar. 9790204701094 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/2000 |
11,50 € |
The complete lute works - a performing edition transcribed for guitar with facsimiles of the origina 9790204701100 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/2002 |
31,50 € |
Sonatas & partitas - bwv 1001-1006. guitar. 9790204701117 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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02/08/2016 |
35,50 € |
Six cello suites - bwv 1007 - 1012. guitar. 9790204701148 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/2011 |
33,50 € |
Partita no. 1 - bwv 825. guitar. 9790204701179 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/2015 |
14,50 € |
Concerto en re mineur - guitar, string orchestra and basso continuo. partition. 9790204705313 |
Weiss J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1986 |
12,50 € |
Toccata - bwv 914. 2 guitars. partition et parties. 9790204705498 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/2010 |
17,50 € |
Marceline n'a qu'une aile... : la vie n'attend pas ! 9782383266235 |
Christie William's |
Les Trois Colonnes |
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24/05/2022 |
19,00 € |
Premieres lecons de gitare - methode de guitare minutieusement doigtee. guitar. recueil de pieces in 9790204708888 |
Sagreras J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1996 |
16,50 € |
Ciaccona - from the partita no. 2. bwv 1004. guitar. 9790204727193 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/2015 |
13,00 € |
Le bateau de douceurs de samuel 9791042240998 |
Etchegaray J-S. |
Le Lys Bleu |
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06/08/2024 |
12,20 € |
Hosianna - bist du bei mir - 2. bwv 508. soprano (tenor) and piano. 9790011103906 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1993 |
8,00 € |
Hosianna - erbarme dich - arie aus der matthaus-passion. 13. alto and piano. alto/contralto. 9790011104101 |
Bach J S. |
Zimmermann Publishers |
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01/01/1995 |
8,00 € |