Sonata da chiesa iii - antifona - jubilus. 2 trumpets (2 oboes or trumpet/oboe) and organ. 9790202515549 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
16,50 € |
Dialoge - op. 12. oboes d'amore and harpsichord. 9790202511152 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
11,00 € |
Quintet - op. 38. clarinet, 2 violins, viola and violoncello. partition et parties. 9790202516218 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
40,00 € |
Sonata da chiesa x - ekloge - rondellus. clarinet and organ. 9790202518687 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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28/11/1997 |
20,50 € |
Sonata da chiesa xi - accentus - concentus. horn and organ. 9790202518854 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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20/10/1998 |
20,50 € |
Sonata da chiesa iv - sequenza - lauda. trumpet and organ. 9790202515952 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
16,50 € |
Sonata da chiesa i - elegia - laudatio. trombone and organ. 9790202515280 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
20,00 € |
Mobile - op. 24. oboe ( oboes d'amore ad libitum), clarinet and bassoon. partition d'execution. 9790202513071 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
11,00 € |
Sonata da chiesa vi - invocazione - hymnus. trumpet, trombone and organ. partition et parties. 9790202516348 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
25,50 € |
L'accès des personnes handicapées aux sacrements 9782204053624 |
Thibault M |
Cerf |
Guide Celebrer |
17/01/1996 |
6,60 € |
Espressioni - quintett. op. 29. oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano. partition et parties. 9790202514535 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
40,00 € |
Sonata da chiesa xii - lasso-sonate. 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and organ. partition et parties. 9790202519554 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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09/04/1999 |
36,50 € |
Ballata - xylophone and 5 boo-bames. partition d'execution. 9790202515297 |
Helmschrott R M. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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29/10/1997 |
11,00 € |
Correspondance - op. 22. 2 percussion. partition d'execution. 9790202512692 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
13,50 € |
Rounds for percussion solo - op. 28. percussion. 9790202513644 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
13,50 € |
Pas de trois - op. 40. 3 percussion. partition. 9790202516744 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
16,50 € |
Music - op. 4. piano and percussion. 9790202511121 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
13,00 € |
Traumtanz - op. 30a. percussion and organ. 9790202514764 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
18,00 € |
Une si douce domination. les milieux d'affaires francais et l'espagne vers 1780- 9782110876447 |
Zylberberg M. |
Igpde |
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01/01/1993 |
15,00 € |
Traumtanz - op. 30. percussion and strings. partition. 9790202516157 |
Redel M C. |
Boosey & Hawkes |
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24/06/1997 |
22,50 € |